Thursday 15 March 2012

Living in a city (Home Work Task)

Date: 15/03/12
Class: IELTS 2
Word counting: 312 words
Author: Moujib Bouchneb

Birds of a feather flock together, very famous quote and obviously the best one to describe what’s happing in major cities around the world. More then 400 metropolis are spread around the world with more then 1/4 of the world’s population .In UK there is up to 244 hab/km² . The world's demography is literally melting into a high density urban scheme .
[Email me for the rest :)]


  1. Hi Moujib!

    Thanks for that interesting piece of writing!
    Interesting way to begin the introduction
    with a quote!

    Could you email me the rest.Thanks!


  2. Hi ,

    Thanks for for your support .

    Soon you will get the rest on your email inbox :)

