Friday, 23 December 2011
Happy holidays ^__^
Hi everybody! My name is Lisa and I study english at the British Council in Tunis; I'm not Tunisian though, I'm italian and I live and work in Tunisia since 2009. At the moment I am in Rome, spending the holidays with my friends and family. Right now life in Rome is just crazy! Everybody is lost in a maddening Christmas frenzy, the shops are full around the clock and people are nervous and tired. Hope this will end soon, this is not what Christmas is about! However, I just wanted to wish everyone happy holidays and a wonderful 2012!
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Click the link to post words that you've recently learnt and you can also add a picture/photo or even a video to illustrate your word!
Monday, 18 July 2011
A great weekend!
From my best days it was last week-end I went to different beaches like klibya and hawareya you can see Italy with binoculars I went with my family and my best friend we had great time it was a fresh cold sea I saw fishes swimming around me and yellow sand like a gold <3... In Sunday I went to nabeul & hammamet and I swam in russelior hotel the best I ever gone I met different people from Germany and France .I can't forget this week-end I ate a lot and had fun :D, I wish that I can repeat this trip again <3 because I never knew that Tunisia have a lot of lovely places i advice you to visit it someday
Sarah Bader
Sarah Bader
Dr House !!!
Well, Hugh Laurie is my favourite actor! His doing the role of Gregory House in the serie of Dr.House. He`s so intelligent that he knows everything that is happening around him. I think that he`s never serious and always joking. I also think that he`s reckless and taking risks with his patients. He never respects his colleagues and making fun of them ... I also love him because of his bleus eyes !!
Last weekend
Last weekend,i listened to"Naruto songs".In addition to that, i played with my sister and we watched "HOME ALONE" together.After that i had a nap.In the evening, i played org .
Laughing LOL
I sometimes laugh about anything that happend to me like for example when I do somethin awkwardly or when I see someone laughing. Sometimes I can't stop laughing when my parents shout at me; it's quite funny and everytime I start smiling when they are angry I get more on their nerve. but the only thing thet makes me laugh like a crazy person is when I watch GAD EL MALEH's funny videos.
boring weekend
Last weekend, i didn't do anything interresting. saturday i played counter strike, a video game online with friends. sunday i did babysitting, i took care of my too nieces in the morning. then in the afternoon i went to my father and i spent the night there. There was nothing interresting to do so i played guitar
what lifts the spirits !!
laughter is an expression of happiness , an inward feeling of joy and a very pleasant sensation . I could laugh so hard that I have been in tears x)
some of the situation which make me laugh are : tickling, a funny book (actually I rarely read a book) , a video , a comic , unexpected accidents (when someone falls infront of a huge crowd of people), jokes ...etc
But the reason of laughter depends from a prson to anothor on his sense of humor , so the best way to get a laugh is not to take life too seriously . Laughter is a real tonic , literally it lifts the spirits.
"a good laugh is the best medecine , wether you're sick or not"
"he who laughs last didn't get the joke"
some of the situation which make me laugh are : tickling, a funny book (actually I rarely read a book) , a video , a comic , unexpected accidents (when someone falls infront of a huge crowd of people), jokes ...etc
But the reason of laughter depends from a prson to anothor on his sense of humor , so the best way to get a laugh is not to take life too seriously . Laughter is a real tonic , literally it lifts the spirits.
"a good laugh is the best medecine , wether you're sick or not"
"he who laughs last didn't get the joke"
Giggle ... chuckle ... fall about laughing... that's life !! :D
No one can deny that laughing is really important in our lives because it enables us to live longer. Personally I'm the kind of person who always falls about laughing especially when my friends and I laugh at somebody. Consequently, that poor person might do something really silly and funny especially when he becomes crazy. I also like watching comedies and funny videos and that makes me burst out laughing. I think that laughing is actually essential for all of us so don't worry if you sometimes pull someone's leg. It can be more ironic and benefic for all who laugh than harmful !! :D
My weekends
Every weekends I go to the sea, so the last weekends were not an exception. We went by bus with our embassy. First of all, we had a small shopping and after that went to the hotel and to the sea. We were swimming a lot, especially my brother. But after some time it happened something strange. In the water there were a lot of small jelly fishes and they picked up my friend. After that we changed the sea to the swimming pool. There is a cool water slide and all of us like it very much. In the end of our day we went to a cafe and had a delicious meal and ice-cream. So, my weekends were very cool and I am going to repete them!
Diana Safina
Diana Safina
laughter DD
For my opinion laughter happn unfortuntly also we can not comtrol it. However i laugh when i see somethimg funny in the movies also some action in realy life for exemple l saw a man who crached in to the door because he didn t see it so i fell about laughing .
in the end the laughter is necessar in our life to make us happies .
in the end the laughter is necessar in our life to make us happies .
last week
last weekend I went to acaffe called ben mahmood .....I laiked it ..I met my frinds there.
Laughing laughing !!
We,ve all had moments where we burst into spontaneous laughter, forced a laugh or giggled quieltly with friends. So, I,m a big laughter, I laught all the time even in a bad situation because , in my opinions, laughing is the good way to survive and continued this life.
I laugh when people falls or get hurst, when people imitating others blindly, when someone say a funny joke or when I watch a funny show. Even when I'm angry I laugh to forget my problem.
I laugh when people falls or get hurst, when people imitating others blindly, when someone say a funny joke or when I watch a funny show. Even when I'm angry I laugh to forget my problem.
My Activity Last Weekend
Last weekend, I went to Hamamatt. I didn't stay for the night but we stayed in an apartement. The apartement was near the beach. The beach was really nice. I went there at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon with my Indonesian friends. We didn't go there to have fun, but to perform our traditional dances so the tourist will be interested to visit Indonesia. The show started at 7 o'clock. The tourist from all over the places saw us. It was pretty crowded. We were done at about 12 o'clock in. We were all tired but it wass good. We had fun. We arrived in home at about 2 o'clock in the morning. The next day I woke up really late.
Last weekend ,, ;)
last weekend i went to my best freind's house hes name is Bashir in 'ALhamamat' we did't met for along time ,, (5 months)or some thing like that , we went to the beach , we swam , played with sand chatted we went out to a caffe, we watched a movie calls the ''hangover'' it was so funny !! we saw a show it was so entertainment 'n we had alot of fun , it was a great weekend, we went out at 10:00 Am 'n we did't came back 2 home till ,, i do't even remember, i do't really know what to sasy , in general it was the best weekend evar in this summer
mohammed !!
mohammed !!
Sunday, 17 July 2011
What makes me laugh
As for me I like to laugh very much. I think that laughter can extend our life.
First of all different comedies and funny actors make me laugh, for example "A Very Epic Film" and "Night at the Museum". These films are for watching with your family. They are very kind and dear. I love the actor from the comedy "Night at tne Museum" - Ben Stiller. He is an American comedian and actor. He played in such moovies like "Meet the Parents", "School for Scoundrels" and many others. The way of his acting and face make me laugh.
Secondly, my teachers make me laugh, especially the teacher of information technology. He is very young and inexperienced, because he finished his university only one year ago. Sometimes he wants to laugh with us about some jokes, but he can't, he should be strict because of his job. He becomes red and only what he can this is a faint smile.At these moments we laugh about him a lot)))
So, all of us should laugh!!!
Diana Safina
First of all different comedies and funny actors make me laugh, for example "A Very Epic Film" and "Night at the Museum". These films are for watching with your family. They are very kind and dear. I love the actor from the comedy "Night at tne Museum" - Ben Stiller. He is an American comedian and actor. He played in such moovies like "Meet the Parents", "School for Scoundrels" and many others. The way of his acting and face make me laugh.
Secondly, my teachers make me laugh, especially the teacher of information technology. He is very young and inexperienced, because he finished his university only one year ago. Sometimes he wants to laugh with us about some jokes, but he can't, he should be strict because of his job. He becomes red and only what he can this is a faint smile.At these moments we laugh about him a lot)))
So, all of us should laugh!!!
Diana Safina
What makes me laugh mmm...
When someone laughs, he just laugh and don't ask why he laughed.For me everything funny makes me laugh but I find the tunisian humour is the most funny because it focus on criticizing some things like women in night clubs...But there many ways to make someone laugh for exemple Mr.Bean makes somebody laugh by his grimaces,and this man makes me laugh!! So In the end I have to say that everything NOT boring makes me laugh.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
things that makes me laugh !! ;)
the best way to till you what kind of things makes me lough is gaiving you some examples , :
-my nan when she takes her teeth out ,, LOL
-the people who order hamburgers and fries at a restaurant and then get diet coke because they're watching what they eat ,, now that's what i call it stupidity !
-at the gym , TV's are always on the food channel ,, :l ,
-people picking their nose while driving because they think no one is watching !!
Mohammed , , ,
-my nan when she takes her teeth out ,, LOL
-the people who order hamburgers and fries at a restaurant and then get diet coke because they're watching what they eat ,, now that's what i call it stupidity !
-at the gym , TV's are always on the food channel ,, :l ,
-people picking their nose while driving because they think no one is watching !!
Mohammed , , ,
Friday, 15 July 2011
Despite feeling sometimes that we're struggling and we're exhausted, i think that when we laugh we forget about these facts.
My friends make me laugh especially in last year's role plays due to the actor's appearance.Iskander,my classmate, was wearing like a devil and the others were looking like pirates.In addition to that, funny films make me laugh.For example, "Are we done yet?".In this film a family moved from a city to a rural place.After that, they had problems with their new house until the father become very mad and crazy.The way he acts makes me laugh.
I think laughing is indispensable for life so try to laugh from time to time.
Sarra Khazri
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
I cracked up laughing!

Well,in these times of austerity I guess it's difficult to find things to laugh about.
Anyway what kind of things make you laugh?
a funny joke or story?
a funny person/comedian/actor/film/TV series?
click the link to watch Basil and Manuel in action
at the Fawlty Towers Hotel !
heyy every1 ,, this is me !! ;) ,,
but 'll try to anyway !
my name is mohammed 'm 15 years old,, 'm libyan 'n proud ;) , my hobbies are (horseridin, 'n playin tennis ), 'm really in to metal music ma favourtite bands are (''MetallecA,megadeth,systim of a down ,'n slipknot'') ,i just started studyin at british counsil 'n i like it , I like travelling 'n visiting new place's ,, you will just know me by time !! ;)
this is a pic of me -^- ;)mohammed ,,,,
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Hi! I'm Bradai Ahmed I'm from Tunisia and I have 16 years old.My hobbies are Foot Ball and video games, my favourite team is barcelona but I always love Esperense Sportif Of Tunisia, maybe you find this strange but I think that all people from any country like Barcelona, I also like Lionel Messi he is the best player in the world!.I'm not a bad person but I should change things if you know me and you see me everyday you will understand this remark, however my freinds criticize and I don't judge them about this because I like who critizices me. In the finish I want to say it is nice to know new persons.
Friday, 8 July 2011
BC 2011
I'm Ahmed i'm seventeen and i'm Tunisian. Actually my life is not exciting or interresting. I like martial arts and boxe. i do kick boxing. i also like guitar and i just started learning. Besides, i spend my free time playing video games with my friends, or playing cards in the cafe
Me :Pp
hIiI I'm Sonia Saidi ,I'm from Tunisia and I'm 17 years old, My nickname is Aiinoos.
SO, I love being with my friends, havinf fun. I study at British Concuil to improve my English because I want to finish my studis in Brittaine.
My hobies are playing Tennis, reading books magazines.... watching films
SO, I love being with my friends, havinf fun. I study at British Concuil to improve my English because I want to finish my studis in Brittaine.
My hobies are playing Tennis, reading books magazines.... watching films
Summer in Tunisia
Hi! My name is Tarisa. I'm from Indonesia. I'm 15 years old. I like playing tennis and reading any kinds of novels and some fashion and movie magazines. I also like to surf the internet in my free time so I can contact my friends from other countries.
I used to live in Indonesia, Romania, France and now I live in Tunisia because of my dad's job. Well for this summer I hope I'm able to get use to live here and prepare for school. By the way, I'm going to American School here.
I used to live in Indonesia, Romania, France and now I live in Tunisia because of my dad's job. Well for this summer I hope I'm able to get use to live here and prepare for school. By the way, I'm going to American School here.
You don't know anythig about me.
I am Diana Safina. I am from Russia and my surname is very popular in my country, because the same surname have the famous tennis players Marat and Dinara Safina. That's why every person who reads my surname after that will ask me maybe I am their relative. I hate these moments.
What's about my family I think the history of it is very interesting. My father is a Muslim, my mother is an Orthodox and grandfather is a Catholic. So, our family is multi-religious. My dad is a flying instructor and my mum works in Russian Embassade, that's why I travel a lot. Most of all I like travelling in Asia, bur I have been only in 3 countries: China, Turkmenistan and Thailand.
So I want to have a job with the help of which I can travel and study cultures of different contries. I believe that the study of theology and after that work in this sphere will help me to carry out my plans, because religion is one the cultural aspects.
What's about my family I think the history of it is very interesting. My father is a Muslim, my mother is an Orthodox and grandfather is a Catholic. So, our family is multi-religious. My dad is a flying instructor and my mum works in Russian Embassade, that's why I travel a lot. Most of all I like travelling in Asia, bur I have been only in 3 countries: China, Turkmenistan and Thailand.
So I want to have a job with the help of which I can travel and study cultures of different contries. I believe that the study of theology and after that work in this sphere will help me to carry out my plans, because religion is one the cultural aspects.
introduction about me
Hello! my name is Sarra.I'm 16 years old.I like watching films especially action films.My favourite actors are Tony Jaa, Jackie Chan and Jet Lee.I sometimes practice Taekwondo.In addition to that i often play music.I want to travel to Japan, China and Thailand.I hope i'll be as an English native speaker and listener because English is an international language.Besides i'd like to be a doctor although it's a tiring job.
something about me

hi ! i'm omaima , i'm 17 years old , i have double nationalities Tunisian and danish . My hobbies are not that much interresting but i love to draw . i live with my parents and both of my sisters in a flat at hammam-lif :) My life is as simple as everyone's , i spend a lot of time with my friends having fun and doing crazy stuff x) here are some of my friends' comments about me : kind , lovable , funny and not that smart hihi
i just started to study at british counsil , and i really like my group and my teacher Patric "the owner of the blog" !
i'm willing to complete my studies abroad , same as most of my classmates at british counsil ...
==> here is a picture of me and my friends
This is me ;)
Hi, my name is Sonia Bouden and I' from Tunisia. I like horse riding and all kind of sports especially football and swimming. I'm an only child and I'm 15 years old. I love hunging out with my friends and I also like reding French books and novels. I speak Arabic French and English . Next year, i'm going to start learning Spanish and I'm really interested in travelling and exchanging new cultures, improving my language skills with native speakers and sharing some experiences.
Summer in tunisia
Hi, I`m Yassine,i`m 17. I Like Music, reading......
I hope my Summer will be great and funny in tunisa .
I`m Studing B.C Now I hope That will be useful and Good ;0
I hope my Summer will be great and funny in tunisa .
I`m Studing B.C Now I hope That will be useful and Good ;0

I'm Lina. I'm 16 years old and I'm from tunisia. I like many things; first sleeping. I sometimes sleep about two days without waking up and when I get up I just think about eating. I love watching movies, listening to rock and metal music. By the way I like many groups specially Escape the fate, Anberlin, Bullet for my valentine and more and more. I get crazy all the time, I sing very loud, I like hanging out with my friends. Well I like many other things. I,m very special you know? :D
Summer in Tunis
Hi my name is Nada. I`m 16. I`m from Tunisia. I like swimming and dancing. I also love hanging out with friends because we usually have fun !! My dreams are to finish my studying in France so that I become a great architect !! =)
this is me
My name is Asawer. I am 15. I am libyan, I like scince and want to be a doctor
I`m chatty and like to make new friends.
I have a big happy family
I`m chatty and like to make new friends.
I have a big happy family
This is me !!
hey my name is sarah bader i am from tunisia , i am 15 years old and i have a nuclear family my parents and i . I love reading philosophy books and ridding horses . I hope that i can complete my studies in london at a law school :))
hello summer students!
Hello everyone!
I'm from London and I hope you enjoy your time at the British Council!
I hope you are enjoying your summer!
I'm from London and I hope you enjoy your time at the British Council!
I hope you are enjoying your summer!
Saturday, 16 April 2011
all over the world
good morning
well i wanted to tell you about my summer plans.Every year, i try to visit different country and this year is no different since i'm planning on going to Italy (firenze) or France. i'mnot really sure but i hope i get to travel this year because spending summer in here is not really an option for me.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Summer Holidays!
Hello everybody!
It's not quite summer but have you got any interesting plans for the summer?
Are you going to be working in an interesting place?
Or visiting somewhere exciting?
It's not quite summer but have you got any interesting plans for the summer?
Are you going to be working in an interesting place?
Or visiting somewhere exciting?
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
different yet similar
Hi! Well we don't really celebrate christmas in Tunisia because we are muslims so it's not part of or beliefs or traditions but we do share quite a few special days we celabrate with you like new year.
Although we do have a day when we offer presents or money to the ones we love so it sort of looks your own christmas celebration.And as as arabic people we actually eat almost the same way you do well not almost but approximately except we don't drink alcohol and we don't eat pork.Besides, we have a different rythm or sound in our music so obviously we have a dance apart from yours.
I guess we are a bit unlike each other but we are all human beings and that is something we all share.
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