Hello everybody! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011!
Do you celebrate Christmas or the New Year? What special days do you celebrate? What food and drink do you have? Do you have any special music or dances? Patric
Saturday, 6 November 2010
hey i'm farrah and in arabic it means happiness but i don't like when people call me that way.
i know i'm a bit late for the introduction but you know what they say save the best for last.i'm a fun person very grounded and mostly i tend to be a bit stubborn when it comes to ethics and stuff that i believe in.i hate watching romantic movies ,but love reading books practically all kind and eat fast food because i'm always in a hurry.
Homeopathy and herbal medicines are both good alternative medicines to treat illnesses. some people might prefer herbal medicines while others prefer homeopathic medicines.and every medicine has got it's own benefits and it's own side effects. and if i was ill and i prefer alternative treatments (which i don't) i would pick homeopathy because shaking the medicine violentley prevents the unwanted side effects which makes it safer. but i hope i won't need any medicine or treatment, i always want to be healthyto live a better life.
Tatyana Haydar
Friday, 5 November 2010
well when it comes to treatment i think i'll choose herbal medicine over homeopathy although i hope won't have to try and stay as healthy as possible.first of all i picked herbal medicine because it makes more sens i mean we already use plants to make pills.besides, homeopathy is all about dilluting and shaking, dilluting and shaking it's not logical because if you put some much water in it it will loose its efficiency.but i guess it's so contreversial we won't all agree on the same thing.
Last week you discussed the topic of alternative medicine:
What is your opinion of Homeopathy and herbal medicine? If you were going to choose one of them as a treatment for an illness,which one would you choose?Why? click the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGIbOGu8q0 for a homourous look at the world of homepathy.
I don't know what to say i mean people still are not aware of the poverty that's happening around the world people in africa for example usually die from hunger every month or even every day and rich people just "WASTE" the food as if it's like garbage or something while many poor people wish for that food. the solution is that the government should raise awareness by making some campaigns also the government should gather the fresh food, clean it ,then give it to the poor people. and if many of us gather what's left from the food and give the food to the charities to donate it to poor people believe me it's going to make a difference and always remember it's never too late.
i'm not really sure of what i'm supposed to talk about because food issues are spread in the whole wide world.i mean some suffer from lack and some are dealing with waste of tons of food. i just wish i can say we can fix this problem easily but it's going to take more than raising consciousness about it.People are suffering from hunger in africa especially southern coutries i mean some are suffering from several diseaes du to the lack of nutritients in their food.Though, some simple steps may help us like donating money to charity cases like FAO or even try to help out with a simple amount of food for those countries who are in great need for it.
i just hope that one day we'll grow aware of how huge this disaster we're heading towards is and act before it's too late.
This day, declared by the UN General Assembly, aims to heighten public awareness of world food problems and strengthen solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. You can find out more about it from the World Food Day web pages produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. http://www.fao.org/getinvolved/worldfoodday/en/
There have never been so many hungry people in the world, let us reflect on the future. What's your opinion on the vast amounts of food that people waste? What can the governments of the world do? Can your efforts make a difference?
Hi my name is Tatyana haydar i'm 14 years old,i'm from syria but i'm living in tunisia because of my dad's work I have been in tunis for four years now i live with my family in a villa in carthage. The first time i came to the british council was when i was 12 years old (it was my first year in tunisia). I have been studying english for ten years i came to the british council to keep up my english in order not to loose it also i came to pass the advanced test to get the advanced level certificate.my favourite hobbies are reading, drawing,surfing the internt,and horse back riding. i also like watching action,adventure,comedy and horror movies. my favourite music is hard rock i enjoy listening to Saliva's music,blue and gray,lincolin park and downstaite.and about books i mostly enjoy reading scientific books and medical books. what about you?
Hi! My name is Meriem. I'm 17 years old. I don't really have much to say about myself. I am a big fan of learning new languages,I speak Arabic, French, ENGLISH, a little Russian and a little Spanish. I hope I will get a scholarship to study abroad. Painting/drawing and listening to music are basically my favourite pastime.
Hey !! My Name Is Bahaeddine but people just call me " Bahé " ; Well , I joined the British Council 6 Years Ago ( I know , Long Time !! ) It was Back when i was about 10 Years old , I wanted to improve my english and here i am now posting an article on a blog ! Well Since It is an introduction , I should Introduce Myself : I'm 16 years Old , I was Born in Tunis ( Capital city of Tunisia ); In my freetime , I like to Play the Guitar or Skateboarding a little bit ! I like Rock Music ( Especially Hard Rock and Heavy Metal music ) and that's all i can say about myself !
hi my name is Sarra Ajjali i'm 16 years old i joined the British Council 3 years ago and i'm glad i did because i've met a lot of amazing people whom i hope to be friends with for as long as i shall breathe. I'm kind of not great at introducing myselef because i make a really bad first impression and people assume that i'm not a nice person, but i'm going to try anyway. i'm an athlete person but just in my mind because i hate practise, i'm a hard working student,i even call myself genius which is something people hate about me.I'm also a junk food fan.And finally,i wish to achieve my dream of becoming a cardiologist some day. Well,these are a couple of caracteristics of mine so u can judge me whether i'm a knid person or not.
hi i am fatma i am from tunisia .my favorite place in the world is cuba because i love the way they dance its so charming .i love italien food because it got a lot of taste and its so delicious i live testing food al over the world i tried japanese food ,indien food,mexican food,chinese food and italien food. i love travelling more then anything i want to travell all over the world .my favourite song is those were the days to marry hopkins from .my favourite movie is deep end of the ocean .my favorite football player is DAVID BEKHAM actually i learned and loved english because of him cause i wanted to meet him so bad so i had to learn his language so i can undrestand him :) touma:))
I hope you enjoy this advanced class! My name's Patric.I'm from London and I like football,going to the cinema and travelling to other countries.My favourite food is a hot spicy chicken or fish curry and my favourite film is the science fiction film 'Blade Runner'; I really like the soundtrack,music by Vangelis.
OVER TO YOU! Could you post up a short introduction about yourself. You can also include a photo or a video if you want. Don't forget to mention your favourites! food,drink,place,music etc
hi, i'm ghada alhourani my origin is from Palestine but my family refuged to Jordan and i have both jordanian and tunisian nationality because my mom is from tunisia! my favourite country is Palestine. i love it and i hope to live there someday.
i like political books because i can learn from it many things about other people's history. also i like comedy romance movies especially " a walk to remember"! but when it comes to music i prefer to listen to revolutionary songs. i'm not a big fan of sports but i enjoy watching gymnastics and skating champion-ships.
in the middle east our food is based on riz! the cooked that i love the most is called "manssaf". ghada
hello, i'm houda i'm tunisian i'm 20 years old i'm studing English in Université.My hobbies are reading and wrting stories and poèmes. My favorite food is Cannelloni. I like it so much it's verry delicious.My favorite films are Indian films. Indian s acteurs are verry talented they are perfect such us Chahroukh khan and my favorite film is veer zarra. My favorite music is Indian music it's wonderfful.My favorite place is Indiait has a marvellous nature and a superb .
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Hi I'm Zied, I'm Tunisian, I live in Tunis. I'm a engineer geologist" My favorite food is Tunisian food especially COUSCOUS and Lablèby.
My favorite films is action and documentery. My favorite place is South Tunisia.
My favorite sports is Table Tennis. I have two best friends Ramzi and Badia.
Hi I'm Tunisian, I live in Ain Zaghouan. I'm a fiancial in a private compagny My favorite food is Italian food especially Lazgnia and Pizza because I like cheese very well. My favorite films is action, romantic, abouat history and documentery. The famous film I liked is brave heart for Mell Gibson. My favorite place is the beach of Cap Negro. My favorite drink is the orange jus.
The young learners of Tunis campaigning for a better more environmentally friendly world: 'The Tunisian economy is based particularly on the tourism industry,for that reason,seeing the dirty beaches of La Marsa,which is located near Tunis,is very frustrating.Our proposition is to organise a campaign to clean up our natural resources and conserve them.'Emna,Sarra,Myriam,Hounaida.
'Our Earth is in danger' 'What are you waiting for ? The Earth can't take it anymore! Fatma,Asma,Ikbel,Innes.
'Try to save the planet,it's not too late''Do it right ,switch off the light!' It's not far,don't go by car!''I'm green who's waiting for a green day.' 'Our planet is in danger we have to save it.' 'Use renewable energy to save our world.' Mr.K(Kamel),Chokki,Rania,Ghasssen,Nada
'Keep the World green''Save the water,Don't waste it!!!' 'Make a move!' 'Water is life!
My last holiday was last summer.I went to Turkey whith my husband for only one week.It was wonderful.We arrived in Istambul in the evening and we took a comfortable bus to go to Antalya;It was a very pleasant sea resort in the south of Turkey and it was far from Istumbul about 720 kilometres.It was very tiring but we were very excited to discover these town,that we forgot the tiredness.We finally arrived in the morning after 12 houres of road.It was fantastic; we were able to see all the town from the top of the montain because Antalya was below surrounded by montains:a very beautiful landscape! We stayed at a five-star hotel for only for days and we enjoyed everething in this hotel(the food,the service,the beach and sport activities).It was very relaxing and peaceful.After that, we went back to Istambul and we had only two days to visit the famous places.The first day,we went on a special boat on an excursion to visit PRINCESS ISLAND; a small island characterised by a very simple life.It was forbidden to drive a car or a motobike, only using bicycles was permit.It was a very interesting day.The second day,we went on a cruise to visit MARMARA SEA and we saw the old and new Istambul from the boat.We Passed under THE BOSPHORE,it was very romantic.The last day,we boaught some souvenirs and we went to the airport to go back to Tunis. MERIEM KAABACHI.
Last year I went to Madrid, the capital city for Spain. I traveled by plane, it was very tired because I arrived late to Madrid at midnight and they hadn't public transport. I visited many famous places, "plaza mayor, sol, plaza colon........ and a stadium "santiago bernabeu". the stadium was very big and amazing. I ate a "Paela", the specialty food of Spain. One day I wanted skeeing with a friend who's was studing spanich in Tunis and now he is study technoligy in Madrid. We taked a train de Madrid from Cercedilla but when we arrived they waren't any ticket to COTOS, is the station for skeeing. I'm not lucky. MY friend and I went to SEGOVIA, the historical place for "the way de COMPOSTELA". It was a wonderful place to visit and it wasn't far to madrid.
In July 2009,with my family, i went for my first time in Marocco. I wanted to go in marocco since a very long time. So i was very happy ! We arrived by plane in Casablanca. Our hotel was in Casa but often we spend time in Rabat because Casa is an industrial and business town... We went to Rabat by train in one hour only ! The streets in Rabat are larger than in Casa, there is a lot of trees and parks. Rabat is quietter than Casa. You can also see the king Palace. In Casa, i did some shopping and my son was very happy to eat an hamburger at mac'donald. It was great, because in Casa there is a lot of good restaurants. But the most important thing you have to do in Casa is to go and visit the mosque Hassan 2. It's a very beautiful and impressive place ! It was built on the sea by a french architect ! It 's incredible ! Let me show you some photos.
last summer i spent my holiday in Djerba. the holiday was like a dream .we went by car,and spent eight hours on the road. I loved the sea it was bleu like the sky and very clean. we visit an island near Djerba we went by cheep it was amazing we spent the all the day their.
I never forgot the first time when i went to Austria,first i visited the castle of quenn SISI and the zoo of Vienna,i enjoyed myself eating the famous sweet of krims,then i went to museum of water,i swam in the Danub. After that i went seensighing around St polten,i visited cathedral and i went to Linz the town of mozart,Einstain. Finally i drank the cafe traditional coffe. DHEKER.
Hamza Last Holiday, Iwent to South Africa.It was very trrible journey. Icouldn`t fly because there was a horrican. I arrived inSouth Africa very late because the flying time was approximately 14 and half hours. The weather was very hot and humid, the average temperature 50-65C and it was very noisy and polluted country. the hotel was derty and not luxiours, Ididn`t relaxed all. the restaurent cooked terrible food for exemple pates with mushroom and salad. Ididn`t forgot the swimming pool, it was a green colors.
I went to Hong Kong.The holiday cost over 2000$.I went in April because the weather was beautiful there at that time.the flight took 2 hours from Tunis to Paris after it took 12 more hours from Paris to Hong Kong.When I arrived there,I went to my hotel.The hotel was next to the sea because Hong Kong is an island but it wasn`t near to the beach, the sea was so dirty you couldn`t swim it.The food was delicious,for the breakfast there were many different types of vigitibles and many kind of food.The hotel was very expensive because it was 5 star hotel.This country was very expensive but it was a fantastic place to visit.
on my last holiday,i went to hammamet with my family,most of the time the weather was hot and sunny,t stayed in a hotel,the food was wxcellent,there were many different types of food,the sea was clean.Every night t went to a nightclub with my friends.
I was visit Istanbul in the last summer. I went sightseeing this city with my wife. the hotel was next to the sea, it was very nice and very clear, but it was very crowded because the weather was very nice, and the temperature was between 25 and 30 degrees. the bad thing, in this holiday, it's when the flight was delayed for 4 hours, when i was coming back to Tunisia.
Last winter, I went to the South of Tunisia with my niece for 5days. The Travel Agency has planned a big trip including the most important regions, such as: Tozeur, Nefta, Chbika, Tamaghza… The excursions were very interesting and well organized, specially the tour on camel in the desert and the walks in 4x4. My niece was enjoyed in the park of Dar Chraeit and in the dinner under the tents with a folkloric show. The trip was very nice and I think I will return with my niece the next year Inchallah. We will try to visit another regions.
Where do you usually spend your holidays? How was your last holiday? fantastic or the holiday from hell!? What are your plans for your next holiday?
On my last holiday my mum and me travelled from the south of Vietnam up to the north,so from the Mekong Delta to bustling motorcycle mad Hanoi city. Most of the time the weather was hot and sunny but not too humid. The highlight of the trip was the train journey from Danang to Hanoi travelling along the spectacular east coastline of Vietnam. Patric